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Identifying sources of revenue and ensure that revenue has been collected.

Coordinate the budget formulation processes by various committees

Monitoring and controlling Council budget

Financial reporting

Procurement and disposal of Council assets


Preparation of annual plans

Land use and spatial planning

Development control

Road construction and maintenance

Acquisition and disposal of plant and equipment

Vehicle, equipment repair and maintenance

Construction and maintenance of council structures

Solid waste management


Reporting to full council.

Updating farmers’ registers

Enhancing management of natural resources

Facilitating formulation of ESCs. Awareness and Law enforcement-By laws and legislations governing lands and natural resources.

Promoting /supporting agricultural activities to enhance food security and nutrition in the district.

Land Use Planning

Management of security of tenure and management of estates. – attending to land disputes.

Advising the full council on legal requirements surrounding areas of council operations.

Identification and advising council on possible revenue streams from available natural resources.


Setting of conditions of service

Training and development of staff and Councillors

Code of conduct to guide discipline and conduct of staff

Crafting policies

Coordination of departmental operations

Performance appraisals

Payroll management

Ensure compliance to statutes and Council resolutions

Management of the tender procedures (process)

Asset management.

Ensure the provision of quality health, educational and recreational services that are GESI friendly.

Coordination of food security support and Rural WASH activities.

Prepare the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Action Plan.

Quarterly or Special Committee meetings and recommend to Council.

Prepare shared strategic action plans for social services interventions.

Continuous stake holder consultations and feed back

Timely implementation of approved departmental budgets and plans