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CLLR RWAFA– Chairperson 

CLLR BATSON-Vice Chairperson 




Terms of reference 

  • To consider and recommend to full council on all matters relating to gender mainstreaming in service delivery and budgeting.  
  • -To promote equal access to education for boys and girls and their retention at all levels of education and to promote access to training opportunities for men and women, to make possible their equal participation in the workplace, marketplace and in governance structures.  
  • To facilitate reduction of all forms of Gender Based Violence in the district. 
  • To increase gender responsiveness of the environment and natural resources management strategies and in climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives.  
  • To promote equality and equity in access to economic opportunities for men and women 
  • To ensure that the constitutional and legislative provisions on gender justice are implemented and gender equality targets set in the district, national, regional and international protocols are achieved.