Investment Opportunities
Investment Opportunities
- platinum, gold, chrome, silica.
Water bodies
- Claw dam, Mamina Dam, Ngezi Dam, Chitsuwa dam and water weirs Urbenrue, Pass, Overlaw, Twin tops
- no doubt irrigation projects, if well capitalized are viable.
Flora and Fauna
– potential area for conservancy/ campfire – Ngezi national parks ward 11 and commercial farms ward 12 and 13.
– lying in region 3 and 4 the district has high potential in cattle ranging wards 9 to 16
– beef industry may sustain.
Ward 1 to 9 very good crop farming – maize, groundnuts.
– we have schools ranked among the best in the country, in the likes of Ngezi high, St Michaels, Ngezi barracks and Wanganui secondary.
- Higher education – Mamina vocational training centre, Maranatha university and Kadoma vocational centre – human resource development
Potential on Hospitality /tourism sector
– e.g., Manhize-Chikapakapa, Claw dam, Chitsuwa dam, Gavhunga and Manyoni wet lands.
Three major rivers, Munyati river, Muzvezve river, and Ngezi river
– growth of Turf Township which can be a potential investment centre.
- Natural clean water and air, pollution free.
- Strategic location of the district – for businesses, access to market
Health sector
–the demand for health services is high in the absence of adequate referral hospitals within the district.
Solar energy sector
–suitable land to establish solar energy plants capable of producing and feeding energy into the national grid or to be used as an off-grid powering system is available at Mlota Village. The climatic conditions obtaining in the district are conducive for an energy plant to harness the radiant light and heat from the sun to produce smart solar energy. Though the business undertaking is capital intensive, it is quite profitable as returns are high on the background of the critical shortage of electricity scarcity within the SADC region.
Housing sector
–the district has a number of strategically positioned business centres in dire need of residential accommodation. These centers are Gweshe, Donain, Battlefields, Mbudzirume and Mamina Growth Point. The provision of houses is given prominence in one of the fourteen thematic areas of the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1)